Lithic Innards Terrasoma VII Terrasoma VI Terrasoma V Terrasoma IV Terrasoma III Terrasoma II Terrasoma I Source Matters Terrasoma IX and X NARS Residency I Love You, Don't Touch Me Cuties Who Are Nice Passage No. 160501 @ 401 Richmond Fibreworks Nuit Blanche @ 401 Richmond Ouroboros the ratio of an earthworm Protrusions No. 180823 A crack into a world, oozing from a tunnel 401 Richmond Residency Passage No. 170424 @ Angell Gallery Body Sculpture Spiral No. 170826 Protrusions No. 170825 felt/felt Passage No. 170424 Enclosure No. 170419 Spiral No. 170412 Spheres No. 170409 Fresh Paint, New Construction Passage No. 160501 After great pain, a formal feeling comes Enclosure No. 160118 Passage No. 150902 Hohenschönhausen 01 and 02 Hohenschönhausen Photographs Passage No. 150815 Spiral No. 141129 and Passage No. 140102 SVA Residency Ad Infinitum